"Sorry seems to be the hardest word."
Have heard this song lots of times sung by Elton John. Did u ever try to think how much this sentence really means?? I feel Sorry can be the easiest word too sometimes. True that its the hardest word but only when u feel sorry.
We apologize when we unintentionally say something hurtful.
U r walking on the road and accidentally bump into somebody on the street and quickly say sorry. [ I am sure u hardly feel sorry for this] At that time isn't it easy to say sorry?? Then why is it difficult when u have made a terrible mistake. Its because u are scared that what if you are not forgiven or what if u say sorry and all u get is few words which will hurt u badly. My experience says a true apology can clear the air and potentially heal a relationship. Doesn't it hurt when u don't say sorry and u know ur mistake?? Think about the other person who is hurt because of u and about the impact of ur words. They say Time heals everything but that pinch always remains in that person's heart(if not mind). Sometimes u don't say sorry because you think its too late to say sorry. Well its never too late to confess. All u need is very little amount of courage and the true feeling of sorry :) I am ready to accept apologies guys :D
well I have realized its power thou a lil late but totally agree tis very very difficult but i guess there is one more word which is more diffcult than sorry only one which if you see should be easiest to express or tell but then we are all scared of doing so for want of not getting an affirmative in return.. :)
and what is that?
Guess the guess.. not very difficult to guess trust me :)
Not easy for me. Bata do
Do u ever feel sorry for anything?
Wat do u think?
nice post... :)
one word?? ab bataa bhi do...
@ Aman, hahaha vo nahi batayega. Can u try to guess?? :P
Mila? :P
@ varuog, yeah but it is something useless. Nonsense..
If you say something which finds you lose your respect, then don't say sorry...change yourself...
If you say something which makes the recipient lose self-respect...go ahead, say sorry and mean it through your words and actions...even if what you said was true...
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