“Whether it is as fleeting as the sun kissed days of summer or lasts nearly a lifetime, Love is always worth it.”
“Was it a fleeting summer romance?” She asked herself as she read these lines again. She was lost in her thoughts..
It all started with exchange of few emails. She knew it was not right but her stupid, innocent, childish mind assured her-“It’s all right. It is just a time pass and the other person can never be serious.”
She smiled and replied back to one of the emails
Days passed by. The feeling grew stronger and stronger making her to forget her purpose.. She created her own virtual world with him.. Filled with his words and the dreams.. Dreams she never wanted to end.. She came across the fact that She never wanted to wake up from her dreams..
Here started her one of those busy days. She decided to put an end to it as she had no time for so called time pass. She sent a farewell email this time and didn’t open her inbox for next two days. As she could not resist anymore, she opened her inbox again and there were those touchy words from him.
How much she hates herself now because she read that email which made her to go back to him.
There she was..Doing something she never thought she would do... “Replying back to his email.”
She questioned herself that night:” Is it really a time pass??” she had no answer..
As days passed by, she felt she was stuck like a bug in a web in the corner of a dusty room. It was killing her everyday..Every hour..Every moment.. She wanted to run away from him, from his thoughts but all she could do was struggle as a poor bug..
Flabbergasted by her actions and she had no control over it...
She was trying hard not to like him too much, but he was too charming to be ignored. She knew she started liking him but she was holding back.
She could hear her thoughts whenever she was alone, they were so loud as if screaming at her for doing all she was doing. She knew it was not good and her insides continued to churn whenever she thought about it.
It was becoming very difficult for her to synchronize her feelings with so less time and so much to do.. Busy as bee she was, yet always free to check her inbox..
Everything that is started has to get over.. Let it be a song..a movie.. or a play...
She knew that end was near and hence there was farewell again..
She typed those farewell words which appeared funny, included “adios with love” followed by a Good bye kiss, stared at her monitor screen, hit send button without reading them again. She smiled as a drop of tear rolled down her cheeks.
She felt that incredible core of pain at the center of her chest or where she thought her heart was.
“It’s over”, she said to herself as she pushed away those little sprouts of hope budding in her mind as they were squashed painfully by her..
Summer was over and so was everything else with a small Good bye.
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